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Welcome to Mochi! We are so excited for you to embark on your First Journey.

<aside> ⏸️ Please watch this video and take a moment to read the game guide before starting a journey. Mochi involves earning and depositing real money, and misunderstanding the rules can result in an unintentional loss of funds.


Watch this video


The Game

Mochi is a team coordination game built on Ethereum.

Set your own goals and share progress with your community with the help of your kawaii companion, Mochi.

Mochi uses carrots and sticks (i.e. incentives) to help you realize your dreams together.


A Journey is an 8 week period where you work on one goal.

Each weekday (Monday through Friday), you'll share your progress by submitting a Pearl of Wisdom check-in on Discord.


Everyone plays Mochi on a team of 2-4 players—think of them as your acountability-buddies.

You'll meet online or in-person every 2 weeks to discuss your progress towards your goals: this is called a Show & Tell (paused 2023).


Before beginning your Journey, you will be asked to choose a goal.

Be mindful when setting your goal. Goals are visible to other members playing Mochi when you submit a Pearl of Wisdom.


A bond is an ETH deposit made at the beginning of a Journey. Bond helps you stay stuck to your Mochi goal.

Your bond determines your game mode. More bond deposited means you earn more tokens per check-in (see below). Set your bond on your Mochi Profile. Once the journey starts, you cannot change your mode until the journey ends.

Whenever you miss a check-in, you lose a percentage of your bond in a slash. Any remaining bond at the end of the journey belongs to you.


0.000 ETH Bond

0 Tokens earned


0.025 ETH Bond

1 Token earned

Extra Firm

0.050 ETH Bond

2 Tokens earned

Super Firm

0.100 ETH Bond

3 Tokens earned


Mochibot is the club's friendly little helper - a Discord bot that will message you with important information & remind you to submit your Pearls of Wisdom.