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Join the community

  1. Ask your community admin to invite you to the community using /invite.
  2. Create an account by connecting your wallet on our web app.
  3. Use /cheatsheet to see a list of Discord commands.

Set a goal

Mochi is a coordination game that helps you stick to your goals.

  1. Set your goal by using the following slash command: /goal In order to __, I will __.
  2. You can change this up to 1 week after journey start using the same command.

For some tips on sticky goal setting, read this.

Create a team

Mochi is a team game that supports 2-4 players per team.

  1. Create a new team by using /team create Your Team Name . We like fruit, vegetables, and kawaii creatures, but you’re welcome to pick anything you like.
  2. Add members to your Mochi team by using /team add @DiscordUser. You can add up to 3.
  3. Check out your newly created private team channel beneath #pow.

Leave a team

  1. If you’re not in a journey, you can leave a team any time by using /team leave .
  2. If you’re currently in a journey, you can leave a team, however you will forfeit any deposit you currently have bonded in the journey.

Bond + Top Up

Bonding means ‘staking’ in Mochi World.

You deposit an OETH (Optimism) bond to play Mochi and earn tokens.

Bond cannot be withdrawn during a journey. After the journey, your bond is unlocked and can be withdrawn.

  1. Use /bond to set your difficulty and earn Mochi tokens during your journey.
  2. You can increase your bond anytime during the journey, but NOT your firmness/difficulty.

To learn more about bonding, read this.

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Starting a journey

A journey is an eight week period where you work on a team towards a goal.

  1. Once you’ve formed a team and bonded, set a journey start date by using /journey schedule. Journeys start on Mondays.

  2. You can also do this on your profile:


Start and join a wave

A wave creates a new automated journey with randomized teams.

  1. Start a wave using /wave schedule.
  2. Join a wave by pressing the Join button in the #wave channel.
  3. Leave a wave by pressing the Leave button.

Set your timezone

  1. Use /timetravel to set your timezone. Mochi defaults to PST.
  2. Use /mode day to switch to 🌞 mode. Mochi sends your first check-in reminder at 10:00 local. You’ll have until 18:00 to complete your check-in.
  3. Use /mode night to switch to 🌚 mode. Mochi sends your first check-in reminder at 14:00 local. You’ll have until 22:00 to complete your check-in.

That’s it! On Monday, you’ll start receiving check-in reminders from Mochibot.

Your first check-in


Mochi rewards you with tokens for checking in with the community.

Check-ins happen Mon - Fri.

<aside> ⚠️ You have 8 hours from your first notification to submit your Pearl of Wisdom (PoW).


  1. In your #team-channel, Mochi sends a Report button to start the daily check-in process. Press the button to begin.
  2. @mochibot will send you a DM. Simply respond to complete your check-in.
  3. If @mochibot fails to respond, use /restart to start over.

Mochi shares your check-ins in #pow so everyone can stay up to date on each other’s success!

More tips

Happy journeying!

Our values: plurality, sustainability, systems-thinking, mindfulness, persistence, self-sovereignty

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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Dream big, start small, stick together!