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Mochi! is a coordination game to help DAOs & remote-first communities stick together.

This fall, we are introducing new DAOs to our frenly Discord companion, Mochibot , who’ll help your community form teams, set goals, & stick to them!

Click here to watch a video about what makes DAOs sticky.


Our goal is to support our DAO Frens’ medium to long-term initiatives by helping teams map out their problem space & identify high value projects that can be completed in eight weeks or less through a well-scoped Mochi Journey.

All new Mochi! Frens have the option to participate in a Team Pomelo Design Jam in preparation for their first journey.

At the end of the Journey, we’ll perform a shared retrospective & compile our learnings into materials that can be meme’d for continuous success within the DAO.

Asks ****

2 or more contributors + 2-4 hours + time spent on project
