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Design Jam’s are made up of two components: mapping & imagining.

Exercise 1: Mapping the Space

This exercise will begin with a prompt: what challenges to do currently face as a DAO? Folks will write ideas on sticky notes for approximately 5-10 minutes, after which everyone will get 1-2 minutes to share what they wrote down.

Next, we sort the ideas collaboratively. Identify similar ideas and group the sticky notes together and call them out when you have a group to see if others have seen them or begun grouping them. We’ll do this for 5-10 minutes. Once all or nearly-all of the tickets have been sorted, we’ll review the groups and dot-vote our favorites. Each contributor will get 8 votes which can be spread across any of the challenging areas however you like. We’ll note the ones that get the most votes, and have an open discussion about them for 5-10 minutes while we take notes.

👩‍💻 How to Prepare: Spend 5-10 minutes writing out challenges you’ve encountered in the DAO

Exercise 2: Imagining Solutions

Now that we have a shared understanding of the challenges facing the DAO, we can start to imagine solutions. We’ll begin by reviewing the most voted-for challenges briefly, and then dive into solution mode.

We’ll begin brainstorming solutions using Crazy Eights. Crazy Eights involves quickly drawing a picture of a solution to one of the challenging areas in 1 minute or less. Once we’ve all drawn 8 solutions, we’ll go around and present the solutions to the group and add more context, talking 5-10 minutes. We’ll do dot-voting once again here, with 8 dots to distribute per contributor, and review the most voted-for ideas for an additional 5-10 minutes.

Now that voting is complete, let’s consider the solutions and how they may be supported by Mochi. We’ll do a roundtable discussion of how Mochi can be used to accomplish the solutions outlined previously for 5-10 minutes.

👩‍💻 How to Prepare: Review the map from the previous exercise beforehand and spend 5-10 minutes writing about it. Focus on expanding on challenges more than solutions, but if a solution comes to mind, jot it down and set it aside.

Our values: plurality, sustainability, systems-thinking, mindfulness, persistence, self-sovereignty

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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Dream big, start small, stick together!